Monday, 19 August 2013

How to Reduce excessive Stomach Gas!

Here are some simple procedures to help you avoid excessive stomach gas: 

-Eat slowly and chew your food properly. Eating fast can make you consume too much of air. 

-Do not overeat, specially oily and heavy food. 

-Avoid fizzy drinks. 

-Drink different kinds of herbal teas- you can try a cup of tea from ginger, mint or chamomile, etc, by adding little sugar or honey. 

-Drink lots of water. 

-Exercise regularly as this is one of the best solutions to minor complaints. Daily exercise regime keeps all your organs and organ systems healthy. 

-Yoga is a wonderful way to enhance the functioning of your digestive system, which is very helpful in controlling excessive gas formation. 

-Foods such as cabbage, beans, peas, onions, pears, apples, peaches, milk and milk products can cause gas in some people, while others may not have a problem. Many carbohydrates and starches, like potatoes, noodles, and breads give rise to gas when they are digested. 

-Avoid artificial sweeteners like sorbitol, which is found in dietetic foods, sugar free soda and gum. 

-Try to live a stress free life. You are likely to swallow more air when you are anxious or under pressure. 

-Wear loose clothes. Wearing loose fitting clothes will make you feel comfortable in case of bloating besides allowing free movement of gases within the body. 

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